

Convertible is Holst Gate, Holst Gate is Convertible

You wont get Hans Platzgumer to come out of his cozy little novelist closet. Nope.
Hans writes books these days, with the exception of a little piece of musical fiction that he dreamed up last year, that was released on Noise Appeal Records/Rough Trade. Much like a book, with a protagonist and a plot— Hans came up with Holst Gate, a rock band out of Norway, centered around the reclusive yet brilliant, Colin Holst. The record garnered good reviews and even charted in Europe, under his previous band’s name, Convertible. But Hans is about to start another book tour, promoting his latest literary accomplishment.

Colin, on the other hand, has been recording and rehearsing like a mad-man in his highland hideout, prepping Holst Gate for a theatrical assault that will bring their energetic blend of protest and retro bombast to the stage. Drums a-crashing, Horns a-blazing, Guitars a-screaming, and Colin pounding and crooning like tomorrow is never going to come. Which ever persona grabs your fancy, is really up to you, the reader or the listener. Books. Music. Both are effective, immediately, on-tour. However, Holst Gate is planning Hans’ accidental character assasination so they can finish the next record. Stay tuned for more exciting Schizophrenic action!

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