Hella Comet – Locust Valley
On Locust Valley, Hella Comet put their shoegazing post rock talents to rest. They have made a point to delve into auditory stimulation and the abstraction thereof. Resting somewhere between sensuality and spirituality, song-oriented expression and sonic experimentation as an experience, they have made it ”ok” to return to basic rock form.
LP (incl. CD & DL), noise45, 2016
Hella Comet – Wild Honey
This has been in constant rotation since I received it a few weeks ago. Hella Comet are an Austrian band with influences that stretch from the obvious (shoegaze/90s alt rock) to the unexpected (mid-90s britpop). The shoegaze element is there from the off, it’s all soaring guitars and Cocteau Twins-esque vocals floating in and out at points. However, Hella Comet’s oeuvre is a lot more spiky than that suggests. (www.ninehertz.co.uk)
LP, noise39, 2013
Hella Comet – Westend
Drei Songs als Vinyl oder als Download bietet eine der solidesten Partien dieses Landes. Hella Comet wurden nach ihrem Debut “Celebrate your loss” reihum respektiert, wenn nicht sogar abgefeiert. Die neue 10-inch wurde ergo remixt von den erfolgreichen Branchenkollegen Binder & Krieglstein sowie Le Tam Tam. Mehr als eine Viertelstunde sehr eigenständiger Klangwelten sind das Resultat. (Haubentaucher)
10″, noise26, 2011